;;; ascii-table.el --- display ASCII table ;; Author: Noah Friedman ;; Created: 2001-09-21 ;; Public domain. ;; $Id: ascii-table.el,v 1.5 2019/05/22 19:31:10 friedman Exp $ ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (defgroup ascii-table nil "Display table of ASCII and 8-bit characters." :group 'tools :group 'extensions) ;;;###autoload (defcustom ascii-table-max-columns 4 "Maximum number of columns to use in rendering ascii table. The table may actually render with fewer columns if the width of the selected window is too narrow." :type 'integer :group 'ascii-table) ;;;###autoload (defcustom ascii-table-intercolumn-space 8 "Amount of space to insert between columns." :type 'integer :group 'ascii-table) ;;;###autoload (defun ascii-table-display (&optional binary) "Display a table of ASCII characters and their numeric equivalents. By default the character keycode; display character (if any); and numeric ASCII value in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal are displayed. With a prefix argument, the binary representation is also displayed. This function actually displays 8-bit characters too, which are not part of ASCII. However, they are used in numerous unibyte character sets such as ISO-8859-1 and will render using the display table in effect." (interactive "P") (let* ((map-data (ascii-table-make-map binary)) (widths (car map-data)) (fmtstr (ascii-table-make-fmtstr widths)) (header (apply 'format fmtstr (nth 1 map-data))) (map (nthcdr 2 map-data)) (col-sep (make-string ascii-table-intercolumn-space ?\x20)) (colwidth (length header)) (columns (min ascii-table-max-columns (/ (+ (window-width) (length col-sep)) (+ colwidth (length col-sep))))) (rows-per-column (/ (length map) columns)) (row 0) (column 0) (buf (get-buffer-create "*Ascii Table*"))) (save-excursion (set-buffer buf) (setq buffer-read-only nil) (buffer-disable-undo) (erase-buffer) (while map (end-of-line) (cond ((= row 0) (if (= column 0) (insert header "\n") (insert col-sep header) (forward-char) (end-of-line)))) (if (= column 0) (insert (apply 'format fmtstr (car map)) "\n") (insert col-sep (apply 'format fmtstr (car map))) (forward-char)) (setq row (1+ row)) (cond ((> row rows-per-column) (goto-char (point-min)) (setq row 0) (setq column (1+ column)))) (setq map (cdr map))) (setq buffer-read-only t) (goto-char (point-min))) (display-buffer buf))) (defun ascii-table-make-map (&optional binary disp-table) (setq disp-table (ascii-table-window-display-table disp-table)) (let ((i 255) c kc dc (kc-len 4) (dc-len 4) (map nil) elt) (while (>= i 0) (setq c (ascii-table-int-to-char i)) (setq kc (key-description (char-to-string c)) kc-len (max kc-len (length kc))) (setq dc (ascii-table-char-display c disp-table) dc-len (max dc-len (length dc))) (setq elt (list kc dc (format "%3o" i) (format "%3d" i) (format "%3x" i))) (if binary (setcdr (nthcdr 1 elt) (cons (ascii-table-char-to-base2-string i) (nthcdr 2 elt)))) (setq map (cons elt map)) (setq i (1- i))) (nconc (mapcar (lambda (elt) (or binary (setcdr (nthcdr 1 elt) (nthcdr 3 elt))) elt) (list (list kc-len dc-len 8 3 3 3) (list "Char" "Disp" "Bin" "Oct" "Dec" "Hex"))) map))) (defun ascii-table-window-display-table (&optional disp-table) (or disp-table (and (fboundp 'window-display-table) (window-display-table (selected-window))) (and (boundp 'buffer-display-table) buffer-display-table) (and (boundp 'standard-display-table) standard-display-table) ;; xemacs (and (boundp 'current-display-table) (fboundp 'specifier-instance ) (specifier-instance current-display-table (selected-window))))) (defun ascii-table-char-display (c &optional disp-table) (let ((v (and disp-table (aref disp-table c)))) (cond ((and v (stringp v)) v) (v ;; If chars in the vector are multibyte, it's a glyph that's ;; already displayed properly; in fact unless ;; enable-multibyte-characters is t here, char-to-string will ;; not render the characters correctly anyway. (let* ((unibyte t) (result (mapconcat (lambda (char) (if (> char 255) (setq unibyte nil)) (char-to-string char)) v ""))) (if unibyte result (char-to-string c)))) ((< c 32) (format "^%c" (+ c 64))) ((< c 127) (char-to-string c)) ((= c 127) "^?") ((< c 160) "") ((< c 256) (char-to-string c)) (t "")))) (defun ascii-table-char-to-base2-string (c) (let ((s (make-string 8 ?0)) (i 7)) (while (>= i 0) (aset s i (+ ?0 (logand c 1))) (setq i (1- i)) (setq c (lsh c -1))) s)) (defun ascii-table-make-fmtstr (widths) (mapconcat (lambda (w) (format "%%%ds" w)) widths " ")) (defalias 'ascii-table-int-to-char (if (fboundp 'int-to-char) 'int-to-char 'identity)) (provide 'ascii-table) ;;; ascii-table.el ends here